SL5 Ensemble Learning & Boosting

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Ensemble Learning & Boosting

1. Ensemble Learning

1. Concept:

  1. Ensemble Learning: Combining multiple simple rules into a single more complicated rule that can generalize well. Because taking subsets of examples as opposed to looking on the whole dataset averages out the noisy examples, similar to cross validation.

  2. Hard Problem: Measured by error Pr(h(x) != c(x))

  3. Weak Learner: For any given sample distribution, it does better than chance(guessing), Pr(error) < 0.5. Given a hypothesis space and its result, is there a probability distribution exist that can make a weak learner applicable for it? Answer: if there exist a probability distribution that makes _none_ of the h able to get a error smaller than random guess, then no weak learner exist.

2. Bagging vs Boosting:

TypeHow to find the subsets?How to combine subsets?Same dataset?Run parallel vs sequential?Strength
Baggingrandomly split into n setsequal weights(normal mean)May be different - sample With replacement(有放回)parallelreduce variance
Boostinggive more weight to those dataset it didn’t do welllarger weight to learners performed well(weighted mean)Same (only changing the weights)sequentialreduce bias

3. Measure of error:

  1. Regression: square difference between correct and predicted values
  2. Classification:
    1. Ratio of number of mismatches over the total number of examples — imply every samples are equally important
    2. Probability that the learner will disagree with the true concept on a particular instance — Pr(h(x)=c(x))

2. AdaBoost

1.Basic steps

  1. Initialize a distribution to be uniform over all the examples D1(i) = 1/n
  2. Train a weak learner using distribution D1, produce weak hypothesis ht with error et: et = P_Dt[ht(xi) != yi]
  3. Produce a_t: a_t=1/2 * ln(1-et)/et. a_t os the measure of importance of hypothesis ht. The smaller the error, the larger the a_t is.
  4. Use a_t to update distribution: D_t+1(i) = D_t(i) * e^(+-a_t) / Z_t (if correct, -a_t, if wrong, +a_t)
    1. Z_t is a normalization factor, to make sure that D_t+1 is a distribution 
  5. Output final hypothesis:
    1. H_final(x) = sgn(Sum a_t * h_t(x))

2. Why Boosting always works?

Because each iteration, there is information gain, making those hard examples having larger importance. The boosting will have to overcome them in order to keep accuracy larger than 50% — It has to find a weak learner.

(1)如何证明boosting最后一定会表现地好?因为如果有数量足够多的samples都错了,那么它们全部都变得很重要,都会被pickup和overcome。 (2)会不会pickup something, but throw up something else which were correct previously, stuck in a cycle? 不会。因为正确地会慢慢地变得不被重视,而错误地会被凸显,一定要克服这些难的错误的才能使得正确率大于50%。换句话说,因为每一个回合总有information gain, 并且it’s forced to do well on those hard question, (因为是weak learner)。